During the last decades, a new type of spoken 'general' Dutch has developed, which is of sociolinguistic interest for several reasons. First of all, it seems to be spoken mostly by younger women (up to the age of 40) from the higher middle classes (scientists, writers, artists, politicians). Secondly, this new variety seems to have attained a certain amount of prestige, although it differs in many ways from Standard Dutch. It appears to be spreading rapidly among other social groups, such as younger women from the lower classes, and among younger men (in their thirties) from the higher and middle classes.
The new Dutch has recently been named Poldernederlands ('Polder Dutch'). Research projects are now being performed to test these observations.

The following papers on 'Polder Dutch' and Standard Dutch in general have been published or have been submitted for publication.

Irene Jacobi, On variation and change in diphthongs and long vowels of spoken Dutch;
doctoral thesis University of Amsterdam, 2009.
  I. Jacobi, L.C.W. Pols, J. Stroop (2007). "Dutch Diphthong and Long Vowel Realizations as Socio-economic Markers", Proc. ICPhS'07, Saarbruecken, p.1481-1484
  Dick Smakman, Standard Dutch in the Netherlands: a Sociolinguistic and Phonetic Description Conclusions & Summary of the dissertation with the same name (Nijmegen 2006): LOT Dissertation Series 135
  I. Jacobi, L.C.W. Pols, J. Stroop (2006). "Measuring and Comparing Vowel Qualities in a Dutch Spontaneous Speech Corpus", forthcoming Proc. Interspeech 2006, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
  Vincent J. van Heuven, Renée van Bezooijen and Loulou Edelman, ‘Pronunciation of /ei/ in avant-garde Dutch: A cross-sex acoustic study‘ in: Dialects Across Borders; Selected papers from the 11th International Conference on Methods in Dialectology (Methods XI), Joensuu, August 2002; Edited by Markku Filppula, Juhani Klemola, Marjatta Palander and Esa Penttilä; University of Joensuu / University of Tampere.
John Benjamins Publishing Company 2005, blz. 185-210
  Irene Jacobi, Louis C.W. Pols and Jan Stroop, Polder Dutch: Aspects of the [Ei]-lowering in Standard Dutch, in: Proceedings Eurospeech 2005 Lisbon ISCA, 2005, p. 2877-2880.
  Renée van Bezooijen and Rob van den Berg, Who power Polder Dutch? A perceptual-sociolinguistic study of a new variety of Dutch in Linguistics in the Netherlands 2001 (eds. Ton van der Wouden and Hans Broekhuis), blz.1-12.
John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam/Philadelphia
  Vincent J. van Heuven, Loulou Edelman, Renée van Bezooijen, The pronunciation of /Ei/ by male and female speakers of avant-garde Dutch (referaat TIN-dag, Utrecht, 26 januari 2002)
  Renée van Bezooijen and Jan Stroop, 'Polder Dutch: a perceptual reality with a rosy future?'; abstract Sociolinguistics Symposium 2000, 27 - 29 April 2000, Bristol.
  Jan Stroop, 'Young Women's Farewell to Standard Dutch'; abstract Conference on Methods in Dialectology, 1-6 August 1999, St.John's, Newfoundland, Canada.
  Jan Stroop, 'Young Women's Farewell to Standard Dutch'; paper Conference on Methods in Dialectology, 1-6 August 1999, St.John's, Newfoundland, Canada.
With sound samples
  Dick Smakman en Renée van Bezooijen 'Criteria to define standard Dutch: a survey' ,abstract from 'Een verkenning van populaire ideeën over de standaardtaal van Nederland', in Taal en Tongval, themenumber 10 (1997): Standaardisering in Noord en Zuid, pg. 126-139.
  Renée van Bezooijen, 'What do the Dutch think of their standard language' , abstract from 'Normen met betrekking tot het Standaardnederlands' in Taal en Tongval, themenumber 10 (1997): Standaardisering in Noord en Zuid, pg .30-48.
  Jan Stroop, 'Towards the End of the Standard Language in the Netherlands'; lecture at the Colloquium 'Dialect and Standard Language', Amsterdam, 15-18 Octobre 1990, in Dialect and Standard Language (eds. J.A. van Leuvensteijn and J.B. Berns), Amsterdam, North-Holland 1992, pg. 162-177.

Comment and reactions on the website will be appreciated by:
Jan Stroop, Department of Dutch Linguistics, Faculty of Humanities, University of Amsterdam.